It's 2022!!! Are you kidding?
Where has the time gone? I hope y'all had the best Christmas and New Years. What are some of your goals this year? I keep feeling like one of mine needs to be staying "present". Be where my feet are. Does anyone else struggle with that? I am always thinking about tomorrow and plans and calendars. So I want to be more still and involved in the actual moment. That means less time with distractions. Distractions for me can look like being on social media for no reason at all, making so many future plans, not journaling enough (I think it's important to get our thoughts out on paper so they don't cloud our minds). And BREATHING! Just taking deep, cleansing breaths every day and allowing our nervous systems to have a break will serve you and I so well!!

I hope you have had a chance to browse around the new website! I am obsessed. I'll be back this weekend with some fun content. If you are new here, WELCOME! I hope this sweet place adds value to your life.