Mexican Quinoa Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
Y'all!!! These are SO good. I can't even. I want to eat them every day. Here are the ingredients you'll need:
1 Avocado, 1 Bell Pepper (chopped), 1 c Black Beans, Cilantro, 1/2 c frozen corn, 1/2 red onion (chopped), 2 large sweet potatoes.
GRAINS: 1 c. cooked quinoa.
SPICES: 1 tbsp chili powder, 1/2 tsp paprika, sea salt to taste, 1 tsp cumin.
OILS: olive oil
CONDIMENTS: hot sauce
First, bake your sweet potatoes in the oven on 400 for about 40 minutes.
Second, cook your quinoa according to the directions on the package.
Third, sauté the onion and bell pepper in olive oil for about 5 min. Add rinsed black beans and corn. Cook five more minutes on medium heat. Add all spices. Let it sit and chill for a bit while your potatoes and quinoa are finishing up.

After the sweet potatoes and quinoa are finished cooking, assemble those cuties! Cut the potatoes down the middle and fill with quinoa and then the veggie mix. Top with avocado, cilantro, and hot sauce. ENJOY!

These babies are packed with vitamins and nutrients. I totally geek out on this stuff. So, I'm gonna share but feel free to skip this part and head to the store to get all the ingredients for this dish!
Let's start with the quinoa-this is very similar to rice, in my opinion, but just has a ton more nutrients. It's high in fiber, it's gluten free, better for bones than milk, has high levels of magnesium, high in protein (see, who needs meat), loaded with antioxidants that fight disease, and more, but I think I should move on. Sweet potatoes have nearly 1/2 your days worth of vitamin C, and 40% of your daily intake of vitamin A. Both needed to support your immune system. They're anti-inflamatory-they attack inflammation at the cellular level. AVOCADOS people! Do I even need to list the 100 benefits. I'll list a few, rich source of antioxidants, lowers cholesterol, heals digestive disorders, and reduces inflammation to name a few. Black Beans are loaded with fiber, potassium, folate, vitamin B6, and phytonutrient content! Red Onions are good for your heart, contain cancer fighting compounds, and control blood sugar. Bell Peppers are a rich in vitamin C and A. And corn, well, it has B12, folic acid, and iron.
You get the point, friends. This dish will basically save your life and mine. I am so glad I ate it for dinner last night.