ATTITUDEIs It Too Late?I have to share with y'all something that I struggle with. Here are the thoughts that run through my mind on a wheel every so often... I...
LIFESTYLESkinny vs Healthy I have something to talk about, y'all. I am not a fan of programs that promote "skinny" results. I did not become a health coach to...
ATTITUDENew Year, New You, New All the ThingsY'all, I can't believe it's 2020! Did you ever think we'd be here? Who makes New Year's resolutions or goals? Anyone? Our family does a...
ATTITUDEHey It's ME! Let me introduce myself! First of all, thank you for taking the time to read and check out my blog. I'm so glad you're here! I hope you...